Annoying clichés in YA books

Hello, my name is Taylor Faye and I read YA. I think that rhymed. I do not only read YA I enjoy many different genres. However YA books are very big in the online book blogging and Booktube world and they can at times be so god damn annoying I want to burn them alive. So let’s get to my rant about a few things that annoy be in YA books even though we all know I’m still going to read rhem.

Diversity: My number one complaint about the YA world is diversity. Everyone is either pale or has olive toned skin. I come from a mixed family my mother is Caucasian and my father is African American so it would be nice to read about some kick ass heroine who has SOME color to her other than olive. What does that even mean?!  Why did Veronica Roth write Katniss as white and Rue as black? Why do all protagonist need to be white?!? If anyone knows of a YA book where there is some diversity please let me know. 

Romance:  Me when a love triangle is introduced to a young adult novel:

Yes YA authors you are writing fiction but young adults are going to read about these love triangles and it’s going to present unrealistic expectations for their love life. Why are protagonists trying to save the world and fall in love at the same time? I’m looking at you Katniss. Most people can’t even graduate high school and find love but these damn characters always find someone. How about this. Write a dystopian novel that doesn’t have any romance. 

Distant parents: How are these teens getting away with this? WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS is a question I’m constantly asking myself when reading certain YA books.   
“I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in”: 

Beware profanity below:

If I see this line one more god damn time I swear to fucking god I’m going to rip the page out write a very passive aggressive letter and mail it to the author. STOP USING THIS LINE! I’m currently reading Bloodlines by Richelle Mead and I got it FUCKING TWICE!! TWICE! And I’m not even finished yet. JUST PLEASE STOP STOP STOP! 
This concludes my rant should I feel bad? No right? It’s my blog I can say what I want. Please leave a comment below telling me what annoys you about the YA genre or books in general. Thank you for reading! 

4 thoughts on “Annoying clichés in YA books

  1. Ha ha interesting points! I actually am okay with love triangles, as long as it’s done well and doesn’t take up the whole story (*cough* Matched by Ally Condie *cough*). 🙂 But I agree on the diversity and parent thing, not to mention the breath sentence (ha ha, that sounds funny). Such clichés.

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  2. These are things I also find quite irritating about YA books! I really don’t like the idea that most protagonists are white and a certain type of person. However I think diversity is starting to become a bigger idea in the YA genre and we are starting to see an emergence of more diversity.

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